I love building things on the web. Here on my website, you will find tips, notes, examples, experiments, and bookmarks for things I find interesting and valuable for people building things for the web. I do tend to focus on the VILT (Vue, Inertia, Laravel, Tailwind) stack, but I like to explore other things as well.
It’s not so much of a blog and more of a collection of notes and guides to myself. I will keep things updated as time permits.
I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out on X/Twitter or LinkedIn if you’d like.
A simple guide to how JavaScript executes code using the event loop, queues, and the call stack.
Send realtime updates to the browser without websockets
When generating time-series reports, missing data points (like days with no sales) can create misleading graphs and analytics. Carbon provides a clean and concise way to fill in gaps automatically.
Connecting with a community can bring life to your career unlike anything else.
Here’s to the next 20 years